
Research Statement

I write about material culture,  rhetorical ethics, and gender. In general theoretical terms, I am interested in the relationship between the rhetorical, the ideological, and the material and how it changes over time. More specifically, I study cultural rhetorics related to women, war, and violence. 

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Kotzeva, E. “’Though Shalt Not Kill,’ or Affect and Ethics in a Spectacle of Distant Suffering: 2020 Nagorno Karabakh War Documentaries. Studies in Eastern European Cinema. Forthcoming in 2025.

Kotzeva, E. “Face-Shaping Power of the Postfeminist Gaze, or Digital Rhetorical Lateral Surveillance in Armenia.” Cluster Conversation: Talking Back Through Rhetorical Surveillance Studies: Intersectional Feminist and Queer Approaches. Peitho. 27 (1). Fall 2024.
doi: 10.37514/PEI-J.2024.27.1.09

Kotzeva, E., and B. Anders. “Engineering a Dialogue With Klara, or Ethical Invention With Generative AI in the Writing Classroom”. Journal of Academic Writing, vol. 13, no. 2, Dec. 2023, pp. 73-80, doi:10.18552/joaw.v13i2.989.

Kotzeva E., N. Bzdigian, S. Gevorgyan, and L. Khachatryan. “Rhetorical Resilience and Righteous Discontent in Eurasia: Female Students Leading the Way.” Cluster Conversation: Addressing the Barriers between Us and that Future: Feminist Activist Coalition Building in Writing Studies. Peitho. 26 (1). Fall 2023. 

Kotzeva, E. "Counter-Mapping for Resistance and Cultivation of Counter-Memory: The Social Life of Some Nagorno Karabakh Maps." Material Culture Review, vol. 94, no. 2, 2023, Special Issue: Social Lives of Maps,

Kotzeva, E. “Traveling Back with Time: On the Rhetorical Significance of Dureé.Intraspection: a Journal of Rhetoric, Culture, and Style, 5, 2022.

Book Chapters

Kotzeva, E. "Queering Bulgarian Pop-Folk: Hybridity, Gaga Feminism, and Defamiliarization in Chalga." The Routledge Handbook of Popular Music and Politics of the Balkans, edited by C.   Baker, 1st ed., Routledge, 2024. doi: 10.4324/9781003328162 

Kotzeva, E. “#WeWillWin When We Become Good Citizens, or Hegemonic Masculinity in Armenian War  Rhetoric.”  Masculinities in the South Caucasus: Forms, Hierarchies and Challenges, edited by D. Gabunia et al. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 2024. 

Kotzeva, E. "Down the Rabbit Hole." Our Body of Work: Embodied Teaching and Administration in Writing Studies, edited by Anna Sciari and Melissa Nicolas, University of Colorado Press, 2022.

Other Publications

Kotzeva, E., G. Kazanjian, and L. Khachatryan. “From Sacred to Sacrilegious: Armenian Human-Water Relations.” In Media Res, special issue: Media Seascape and the Criminal Imaginary, Nov. 2021.

Literary Translations

Poetry by poets of the Bulgarian circle New Social Poetry. Apofenie. Volume 7: Justice. June 2019.

Excerpt from Invisibleby NataliyaDeleva. Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation. Fall 2018 Issue. The University of Iowa.

Concerto for Sentence by Emiliya Dvoryanova. Urbana-Champaign: Dalkey Archive Press, 2016. (Bulgarian to English)

“From Concerto for Sentence by Emiliya Dvoryanova, translated by Elitza Kotzeva.” The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 33 (1): 46-51. Dalkey Archive Press, 2013.

Born under a Lucky Star by Ilona Lacková. Centre de Recherches Tsiganes, Université “René Descartes”, Paris, France. Sofia: Litavra Publishing, 2000. (Czech to Bulgarian)

Work in Progress

“Stuck Between Traditional, Soviet, and post-Soviet Rhetoric: Armenian Left-behind Rural Women Negotiating Gender Roles.”  Work in progress.

Presentations and Older Scholarship